Windows Server 2008 Event Viewer Refresh Notifications

Lately I have been working a lot on Windows Server 2008 and have been very impressed with the updated Event Viewer. If you have ever been debugging a particular Windows Service or BizTalk application and were watching the event log for errors, you end up spending a lot of time refreshing the Event Viewer. In Windows Server 2008, the my newest favorite feature is the way that the event viewer will notify you if it is not currently showing the latest events. At the top of the Event Viewer MMC you can find a line which shows the number of events currently visible, as seen below:
Then when new events occur, you will get a notification of the new events to the right of the event count. This is shown below:
This notiifcation means that you can now wait until the notification in order to refresh the event viewer rather than refreshing it manually yourself to watch the events roll in. This is a very helpful and productive addition to Window Server!

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